Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Teens - Take Control of Your Own Life

One of the most difficult things for a teen to do is to look deep inside themselves and figure out who they are. And yet this is the reason for the teen years, to discover what path you want to follow in life. Peers can offer teens the instant gratification of feeing accepted and "normal," and they can also help you make decisions about who you will eventually become. But often the choices your friends offer you are detrimental to your future happiness.

Close your eyes and imagine an adult that you admire; imagine their personality, their best qualities and the positive ways they structure their life. What qualities does this person have that you would like to have? How can you begin to develop these traits? Once you have identified the type of qualities you want to develop write them down so that you can remember them, especially when things get rough. Make a commitment to conduct your life in a way that will help you become the person you've designed for yourself. When you are confronted with peer pressure, remember this exercise and make choices according to who you want to be.

Your friends may or may not have the ability to see what is best for you in the long run. Most teens don't. Every time you give in to peer pressure, you loose a little piece of yourself. And you get closer to forgetting how to make decisions based on your own desires rather than on the desires of others. Take control of your life, create your own power and be assertive. It will pay off.